Thanks Naveed, code works perfectly for the template v2 but struggling to modify below bit of code relating to the financials tab for my actual file but i'll play around with it a bit and try figure it out.

Columns "L", "M" & "N" need to export to cells C17, D17 & E17
and Columns "J" & "K" need to export to cells B22 & C22 in financials tab

        FR = 3
        FR1 = 4
    fin = Array("L", "M", "N", "J", "K")
    For k = LBound(fin, 1) To UBound(fin, 1)
        .Range(fin(k) & j).Copy Workbooks("" & mybk & "").Sheets("Financials").Cells(FR1, FR)
        If FR = 5 Then
            FR = 3
            FR1 = FR1 + 3
            FR = FR + 1
        End If