Hi All,
I've been tasked to try find a VBA solution to export certain data from a master file into a separate template, 3 files attached for reference (Master.xlsm / Template.xlsm / PS00101_North Building_072013.xlsx)
There are 6 rows within the master file and each row represents a project (i.e. 6 projects). I'd like to export data for each project into its own template file which consists of 2 tabs "RAG" & "Financials"
The yellow column data within the master file is to be exported into the yellow "RAG" tab in the template file and orange columns to "Financials" tab.
The 6 populated Template files each need to be saved with the following naming convention ProjRefno_Building name_MMYYYY.xlsx and I've added the PS00101_North Building_072013.xlsx file to show how the end result would look for the first project for the month of July.