Hello All,
I'd like to write a macro that will go through column "CC" or 81 of Sheet1, which might either say "Name: 20 Item (Type)" or be blank.
Then it will take the corresponding cell and put "Name" into column "I" of Sheet 2, and "Type" into column "J" of Sheet 2.
I have an idea using a for loop and a worksheet function, but it doesn't seem to work at all.
For i = 2 To lrow
Cells(i, 10) = "=REPLACE(LEFT((I" & i & "),FIND("")"",(I" & i & "))-1),1,FIND(""("",(I" & i & ")),"")"
Cells(i, 13) = "=REPLACE(LEFT((I" & i & "),FIND(""("",(I" & i & "))-1),1,FIND(""65"",(I" & i & "))+2,"")"
Next i
Thanks in advance!