Hey guys,
I'm currently using Excel 2007 and Access 2007 where essentially I need to create a purchase order user form that allows the following information to be input "Job Number" (xx-yy) "Date" (mm/dd/yyyy) while the purchase order number auto populates as more are made. Also, once the job number is entered, I would like it to populate the "Ship to" field with the address I have assigned to each job number. I'm not sure if I need to link it from a database from Access because my original thought was the have an Access database with the purchase order numbers filling out as you entered each job number. The job numbers themselves would be allowed to be repeated, but the purchase order numbers would have to be increasing. I'm not too sure how to approach this, or if anyone has a template I can follow. I am attaching what the purchase order would look like on excel. Thank you!