I've attached a spreadsheet of what I'm working on. I have 2 tabs, "Sheet 1" (which is where I want to execute the macro) and "How it should look like" (after the macro has been executed).
I'm trying to create a macro that copies range A18:A20 under the appropriate heading date in "Sheet1". For example, if the month is September 2013, I want it to copy the cells into C2:C3.
You might ask why I'm not using a lookup function. The reason is that this is only a small scale example of what I'm working on. At the start of every new month, cell A17 is going to change, but I still want to be able to have previous months' records. So for example, in October, cell A17 will be October 2013, but I still want to keep September's values. Like I said, this is a really simplified example of what I'm working on.
The script I'm working on is shown below. I've just started playing around with VBA a few days ago, so this is all sort of new to me. Any assistance as to what I'm doing wrong would be appreciated.
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