This macro is written in Excel 2010 which works perfectly on Microsoft XP but it fails on Windows 7 and 8.
What macro does --- It gives 3 drop down options to user
Select Month ----This is the excel file for e.g. July 2013.xlsx it contains sheet from the date 1st July to 25 July
Select From Date --- Dates from 1st July to 25th July
Select To Date ----Dates from 1st July to 25th July
These 1st to 25th July contains data depending on the range of dates selected by user macro does some formatting Creates new excel file For e.g. "Report - 1 July to 7 July.xlsx"
And each excel report contains 37 sheet with the formatted data and based on this data macro creates graph on individual sheet.
My macro works perfectly if the date range is 3 days but if I tries to increase the range it fails on Windows 7 but works perfectly on XP.
Below are some erros I get when I select the date range more than 3 days -
1] Method 'Delete' of object 'Series' Failed
2] Method 'MarkerStyle' of object 'Series' Failed
3] Out of Memory
4] Automation Error
I have attached Excel macro "EEM V1.0" and data file "July 2013" which the macro processes.
When you will run the macro first click the "Config Settings" button after that select the path of Report File this is the path where you have saved the "July 2013" file.
After that click the "EEM Activity" button then select the 2nd tab "Custom Date Range".
On this screen select report type "Weekly"
And select the From and to Date range i.e. from 8 July to 14 July.
After that select the Create Reports tab and click on Create Excel Report button to create Report and there I am getting error while creating Graph.
This works perfectly on XP but fails on Windows 7.
Thanks in advance.