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Buttons to move in relation to userform on screen

  1. #1
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    Buttons to move in relation to userform on screen

    Good Afternoon Folk

    I have a userform with several command buttons, labels text boxes etc on the screen. When the workbook opens the form will adjust to the size of screen it open on.

    On a standard 17" screen its fine with everything where it should be,,, however when its opened on a widescreen the form adjusts itself but the buttons and labels remain where they would be for 17"

    Is there a way to have everything within the form adjust its position on the screen in relation to the form?

    Many thanks for your help


  2. #2
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: Buttons to move in relation to userform on screen

    There is nothing automatic that will do this for you. If you really want to make this a responsive design then you have to scale the positions of all the buttons and labels and set them individually in the same code that adjusts the form size. I have not written code that retrieves the display size, but once you have that it should be fairly straightforward arithmetic to place the controls. I would set up positioning of the controls based on the percentage of the form height and width then just apply those percentages to the adjusted form dimensions once you adjust it for the screen proportions.

    I am trying to guess why you are concerned about this--do you need the form to fill the entire screen?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Buttons to move in relation to userform on screen

    Hi 6StringJazzer

    I don't need the form to fill the screen,, it currently does and looks good on the normal screen...when its opened on the wide screen it fills the screen but the buttons obviously remain in their original position...... it doesn't look too bad but I just thought it would be nice if they could reposition themselves to balance up the form

    Many thanks for your help and information.... I'll use the advice to try it

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Buttons to move in relation to userform on screen

    You might find this helpful.

    You could also play with the zoom. This will resize form contents.
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