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Creating a VBA loop to search for values, stop when a cell value is 0

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jfgay Creating a VBA loop to search... 07-29-2013, 11:03 AM
ragulduy Re: Creating a VBA loop to... 07-29-2013, 11:27 AM
jfgay Re: Creating a VBA loop to... 07-29-2013, 12:37 PM
ragulduy Re: Creating a VBA loop to... 07-30-2013, 03:38 AM
jfgay Re: Creating a VBA loop to... 07-30-2013, 10:30 AM
  1. #1
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    Creating a VBA loop to search for values, stop when a cell value is 0

    I currently have a macro that looks up a user inputted value/word on one sheet, "Instructions", and then searches for it on another, "Forecast", then deletes the column the value/word is found in and also deletes the columns to the right of it until the next populated cell. This works perfectly and I don't want to change it. What I would like to do is instead of just looking for one inputted value/word, I want it to search for all the words/values in the column until it reaches a cell with the value 0. I've tried a "Do Until" loop, but I can't seem to have it do what I want. Here is the code.
    Sub SelectVariableRange()
    Dim strFind As String
    Dim rngFind As Range
    Dim i As Integer
    strFind = Sheets("Instructions").ActiveCell("H56").Value
    Do Until ActiveCell.Value = 0
        Set rngFind = Sheets("Forecast").Cells.Find(What:=strFind, LookAt:=xlPart)
    'check if value is found
        Do While Not rngFind Is Nothing
            i = 0
             Do While rngFind.Offset(0, i + 1) = ""
                  i = i + 1
         rngFind.Resize(1, i + 1).EntireColumn.Delete Shift:=xlShiftToLeft
         Set rngFind = Sheets("Forecast").Cells.Find(What:=strFind, LookAt:=xlPart)
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    End Sub
    The parts I added in (shown above) to try to search for values/text until it reaches a cell with the value 0 are:
    Do Until ActiveCell.Value = 0
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    Everything else I have works perfectly, its just this part I need help with. (I'm trying to search starting at cell H56 and searching down the column sequentially- that's why I have the offset of (1,0). I want to search until there is a cell in column H that has a value of 0.)

    Hopefully that isn't worded too poorly. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  2. #2
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    Re: Creating a VBA loop to search for values, stop when a cell value is 0

    You never change the value of strFind because it is outside of your loop, so you will always search for the same word...
    Sub SelectVariableRange()
    Dim strFind As String
    Dim rngFind As Range
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim count
    count = 56
    Do Until Range("H" & count) = ""
        strFind = Sheets("Instructions").ActiveCell("H" & count).Value
        Set rngFind = Sheets("Forecast").Cells.Find(What:=strFind, LookAt:=xlPart)
        'check if value is found
        Do While Not rngFind Is Nothing
            i = 0
             Do While rngFind.Offset(0, i + 1) = ""
                  i = i + 1
            rngFind.Resize(1, i + 1).EntireColumn.Delete Shift:=xlShiftToLeft
            Set rngFind = Sheets("Forecast").Cells.Find(What:=strFind, LookAt:=xlPart)
    count = count + 1
    End Sub

  3. #3
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    Re: Creating a VBA loop to search for values, stop when a cell value is 0

    Ok I think I understand what you're saying as far as changing the value of StrFind. When I try the count method, I get an error on this line:
    strFind = Sheets("Instructions").ActiveCell("H" & count).Value
    It says "Object doesn't support this method or property..

  4. #4
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    Re: Creating a VBA loop to search for values, stop when a cell value is 0

    Sorry, my mistake, change it to:
    strFind = Sheets("Instructions").Range("H" & count).Value

  5. #5
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    Re: Creating a VBA loop to search for values, stop when a cell value is 0

    Ohh yes, that makes sense. Looks like its working! Thanks a lot, saved the day!!

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