Got it! Thanks. One more question if you dont mind. I have a second set of userform values to add into this:
(see comments bold and underlined below)

If recommendation = "go for it" And itemmsgbox = "United States,youth ball team" Then
Worksheets(1).Range("Calculation").Value = "$197-$250"
End If
If recommendation = "larger need" And itemmesgbox = "United States,teen ball team" Then
Worksheets(1).Range("Calculation").Value = "$250-$342"
End If
If recommendation = "larger need" And itemmesgbox = "United States,(and I want it to ignore anything that might be list in this area and only provide data based on the country or region, what would I do to get it to differentiate this?)" Then
Worksheets(1).Range("Calculation").Value = "$250-$342"
End If