Hi All,
I need a VBA that can go through a certain folder and copy files that contain a certain text into another folder. For example.
I have 100 PDF files in 'FOLDER A'
I need to go through 'FOLDER A' and find the PDF files that contain the word 'Sydney' and copy it in folder called 'FOLDER - Sydney'. Then find the files that contain the word 'Melbourne and copy it into 'FOLDER - Melbourne', and so on untill i have completed the string requirements.
If you can help me with this it would be great!!!!
Thanks Guys!
Below is a VBA i tried to manipulate, however it did not work and dont know how to loop it into another target folder.
sSrcFolder = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1) - Folder with all files
sTgtFolder = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 2) - Folder to copy into
Set rPatterns = ActiveSheet.Range("E2:E15")
- list of words i was looking for.
Sub CopyFiles_Containing()
Dim sSrcFolder As String, sTgtFolder As String, sFilename As String
Dim c As Range, rPatterns As Range
Dim bBad As Boolean
sSrcFolder = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1)
sTgtFolder = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 2)
Set rPatterns = ActiveSheet.Range("E2:E15").SpecialCells(xlConstants)
For Each c In rPatterns
sFilename = Dir(sSrcFolder & "*" & c.Text & "*")
If sFilename = "" Then
c.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
bBad = True
While sFilename <> ""
FileCopy sSrcFolder & sFilename, sTgtFolder & sFilename
sFilename = Dir()
End If
Next c
If bBad Then MsgBox "Some files were not found. " & _
"These were highlighted for your reference."
End Sub