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Copy/move rows beween sheets when date field is populated

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    Copy/move rows beween sheets when date field is populated

    I have combed through the forum for the past 2 days, and cannot locate what I need [/i] or if I did - I did not understand it to realize)[/i].

    I am using Excel 2010. I have an Employee List Workbook that I modify to link to an Access database. Each month, an updated list is sent to me that I modify, and then replace the existing info. I also have a Terms sheet of terminations, with term date.

    What I have done is place a TermDate column in my Employee List so I can insert dates of termination before updating the workbook.

    I would like all rows in the Employee List (sheet: 03 07 201) with a term date moved to the (sheet: Terms), on the next available row. If the information needs to transfer/copy on close, or save, that would be fine. I am not concerned with removing the rows from the Employee List as they will be replaced with the updated list. I have attached sample files for both.

    PURPOSE: The term date file I receive contains info not needed. My plan is to create a query in access to combine the 2 files in order to keep my database complete. Therefore both workbooks are set up the same manner..

    As you can tell by looking at the Macro's I created, I am rather inexperienced with this. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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