I have a macro that creates a link of all the pictures I have in a folder. 100 pictures in Folder Jan 2013 will create 100 hyperlinks in excel.

The problem I face now is that the template that I currently use is used all year. So if I have a random amount of photos in Feb 2013, Mar 2013, Apr 2013, etc. I should have that exact same amount of photos from those folders.

I don't have to want to go every single time to the macro and change the folder/url location. Is there a way I can have the macro say to get the files from cell Z1

where Z1 is a dynamic hyperlink I have created?
Part of Z1 recalls other cells. A1 says Month:, and B1 = Feb 2013

If I update B1 every month to the new month, then the hyperlink in Z1 will automatically update. However, how can I use that dynamic hyperlink reference in the macro instead of having to always literally spell out the file location?