I am trying to write a macro that will select any option from this combobox called "Quick Select" on the website mentioned in the macro below. I am unable to give my access information so that you can view the HTML however I can send a saved HTML page to an email. I am aware that you need to find the element's ID in order to select an option usually but i am not sure how to do this on a combo box. I am self taught by reading forums and through trail and error. This combo box also fires an event that changes two date boxes a datefrom box and a dateto box. Then I am able to query a report based on those selections.

Quick Select box ID
HTML Code: 
Quick select box arrow
HTML Code: 

I have saved the HTML webpage as well if anyone needs that i can email it to anyone willing to help.

Here is the code that I do have so far:

Private Sub Autologin()
        Dim ie As Object
        Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
        ie.Navigate "https://clearecd1.cpicentral.com/Default.aspx"
        ie.Visible = True
        Do While ie.Busy And ie.readyState <> 4
            With ie.document
                .getElementById("ctl00_MainContent_tbLoginCompanyID_text").Value = "xxxxxx"
                .getElementById("ctl00_MainContent_tbLoginUsername_text").Value = "xxxxxx"
                .getElementById("ctl00_MainContent_tbLoginPassword_text").Value = "xxxxxx"
            End With
        ie.Navigate "https://clearecd1.cpicentral.com/DailyReport.aspx"
        ie.Visible = True
        Do While ie.Busy And ie.readyState <> 4
            With ie.document
                .getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ucSearchQA_cbLevel1_Header_hdrLabel").FireEvent "onlcick"
                .getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Panel6").FireEvent "onlcick"
            End With

End Sub