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Compile Error: Method or data member not found when i click Save button...

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  1. #1
    Forum Guru JosephP's Avatar
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    MS-Off Ver

    Re: Compile Error: Method or data member not found when i click Save button...

    untested but replace all of your form code by this
    Private Sub CBOCancel_Click()
       Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub CBOClear_Click()
       Call UserForm_Initialize
    End Sub
    Private Sub CBOSave_Click()
       Dim RowCount               As Long
       Dim lCol                   As Long
       'Validasi Data
       If CBOJenis.Value = "" Then
          MsgBox "Jenisnya dipilih dong!", vbExclamation, "Data Entry Jenis"
          Exit Sub
       End If
       If CBOTipe.Value = "" Then
          MsgBox "Tipenya dipilih dong", vbExclamation, "Data Entry Tipe"
          Exit Sub
       End If
       If TXTDesk.Value = "" Then
          MsgBox "Deskripsi nya apa?", vbExclamation, "Data Entry Deskripsi"
          Exit Sub
       End If
       If CBOBulan.Value = "" Then
          MsgBox "Bulannya dipilih dong", vbExclamation, "Data Entry Bulan"
          Exit Sub
       End If
       If TXTJumlah.Value = "" Then
          MsgBox "Jumlahnya diisi dong", vbExclamation, "Data Entry Jumlah"
          Exit Sub
       End If
       If Not IsNumeric(TXTJumlah.Value) = "" Then
          MsgBox "Isi nya pake Angka ya!", vbExclamation, "Data Entry Jumlah"
          Exit Sub
       End If
       'Input data ke worksheet :p
       With Worksheets("EXPENSES")
          If Len(.Range("A3").Value) > 0 Then
             RowCount = .Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row + 1
             RowCount = 3
          End If
          .Cells(RowCount, "A").Resize(1, 3).Value = Array(CBOJenis.Value, CBOTipe.Value, TXTBOXDesk.Value)
          ' listindex starts at 0, output column starts in column 4/D so add index to 4 to get correct column for month
          lCol = 4 + CBOBulan.ListIndex
          .Cells(RowCount, lCol).Value = TXTBOXJumlah.Value
       End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
       Dim ws                     As Worksheet
       Set ws = Worksheets("LookupLists")
       Me.CBOBulan.List = ws.Range("BulanList").Resize(, 2).Value
       Me.CBOJenis.List = ws.Range("JenisList").Resize(, 2).Value
       Me.CBOTipe.List = ws.Range("TipeList").Resize(, 2).Value
       TXTBOXDesk.Value = ""
       TXTBOXJumlah.Value = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
       If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
          Cancel = True
          MsgBox "Nutup nya pencet Cancel ya!"
       End If
    End Sub

    if at first you don't succeed try doing it the way your wife told you to

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2007

    Re: Compile Error: Method or data member not found when i click Save button...

    yes JosephP. With your tweak, i finally got the ideas.... thank you very much for your time and effort....

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