My goal is to allow any shared user of a workbook to 'time stamp' the time they started an assigned task. So for row 1, the persons name is in A, column B has a TIME button, column C a non-volitile time stamp (which would be the result of pressing the time button in B), D I'll have a drop down list of tasks and based on estimated times for tasks an ETA of their return in E. The goal is to allow all users to stamp the time they or another takes out an assigned task and to use the sheet for workload planning on when to expect someone back. Hope that makes sense.
So i first tried with forumlas, but of course they refresh (volitile) so that didnt work. Then i tried VBA but couldnt ever get it to work in multiple rows. I got it to work in one row, but couldnt duplicate.
Can someone help me with the suggested VBA code as I'm starting fresh at this point? And then guide me on how I need to create individual active x buttons for each row, so when someone presses it they only update the time in that row? Only 10 rows needed total, so it shouldnt get too cumbersome to create manually I would think.
Hope this makes sense, I'm not a novice, but not advanced either. I appreciate your help.