Good day everyone,
I know that this has already been posted or brought up but would need help on where to find this info. Most information on the web are either incomplete to my needs or just don’t do the trick.
I also looked and was told that this is not recommended for this process but I can assure you that I will be the only one doing these minor changes therefore no one will have access to the shared drive template except me.
I have a Master Template that contains all my VB Code, on the worksheets it has all the same as the other worksheets, Columns, rows titles blah blah. The master template will be copied then paste but the Xl will only be renamed.
The copied workbook will be changed to the designated users name Ex. Master Template copied changed to John Doe.
Hopefully this makes sense.
Now all users will have the option to add a password *that I will have access to*.
I need a trick help in creating or ideas to have the following:
If I need to change some information in my VB codes then to have a macro to update every workbooks VB Codes from my users.
Example … Master Template Sheet1:
The following code needs to be changes:
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C5:C20, D5:D20, I5:I20, J5:J20, K5:K20")) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C5:C30, D5:D30, I5:I30, J5:J30, K5:K30")) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Simple change but this will have to be changed to every workbook from my users… Therefore I will need to go in all my users’ workbook then change them one by one…
Is there something that would be quicker? My master template could change dramatically (Only on codes not the Sheets format) and just wondering what would be the best approach.
I have about 15 workbooks that each will be assigned to one user (Maybe more).
All users Worksheets are in a Shared Folder (Including the Master Template).
All users will have a user ID that I will provide them.
I need to update all workbook VB Codes on all Sheet, userforms, modules when I make an update to my Master Template.