I currently have a large macro covering data on 31 sheets. The macro works currently as is but what happens requires a lot of user input and I would like to get rid of that.

The macro currently asks the user is there is data on sheet 1. If the user says yes, it copies and pastes the range (A13:P72) into sheet 32.
The macro asks this yes or no question for nearly every sheet. It's annoying to have to push yes 30 times....

I have no set up several =counta and =countif formulas on each sheet that I would like to use to automate this macro.

Would an if statement or a select case statement work better and how would I use either of them to check if a specific cell is great than 0.

ie: If (Sheet 'Item Page No. 1', Cell AA14 or AA15) > 0 Then
Copy and Past the page (I don't need the code for this)
If Else (move to the next sheet ('Item Page No. 2', Cell AA14 or AA15 (check if either cell is >0) .....

Any help with either the if statement or select case statement (I've never used select case) and how to refer to those specific cells and check whether they are greater than 0 or not would be very helpful.