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Range Address Is Correct Columns Count Is Not Correct

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Range Address Is Correct Columns Count Is Not Correct

    Hi all,

    Using Excel 2010,

    My snippet below is returning the correct range address $D:$M, but the wrong Columns.Count : 9 (Should be 10)
    Any ideas why that may be?


                With r3
                    If dWidthPivotTables < dMaxWidth Then
                        If IsError(Int((dMaxWidth - dWidthPivotTables) / 255)) Or Int((dMaxWidth - dWidthPivotTables) / 255) = 0 Then
                            'Only one column is needed, the width is less than 255
                                lColumnsPartialNeeded = 1
                                dColWidthPartial = dMaxWidth - dWidthPivotTables
                                Set r3 = .Resize(lRowsCurrent, lColumnsCurrent + lColumnsPartialNeeded)
                                Debug.Print r3.Address
                                Debug.Print .Columns.Count
                                .Columns(.Columns.Count).ColumnWidth = dColWidthPartial
                                Debug.Print dColWidthPartial
    Option Explicit
    Sub Foo()
        '1.) Calling sub tests if worksheet has at least one Pivot Table
        Dim ws                          As Worksheet
        Dim r                           As Range
        Dim r2                          As Range
        Dim r3                          As Range
        Dim i                           As Long
        Dim lColumnsWholeNeeded         As Long
        Dim lColumnsPartialNeeded       As Long
        Dim lColTotalDifference         As Long
        Dim dColWidthPartial            As Double
        Dim lRowsCurrent                As Long
        Dim lColumnsCurrent             As Long
        Dim lFirstRow                   As Long
        Dim lColumn                     As Long
        Dim dWidthPivotTables           As Double
        Dim dMaxWidth                   As Double
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("39")
        dMaxWidth = 478.58
        With ws
            'Set intitial print range for all pivot tables on worksheet
                If .PivotTables.Count > 1 Then
                    If .PivotTables(1).TableRange1.Address < .PivotTables(2).TableRange1.Address Then
                        Set r = .PivotTables(1).TableRange1
                        Set r = r.Offset(2, 0).Resize(r.Rows.Count - 2)
                        Set r2 = .PivotTables(2).TableRange2
                        Set r = .PivotTables(2).TableRange1
                        Set r = r.Offset(2, 0).Resize(r.Rows.Count - 2)
                        Set r2 = .PivotTables(1).TableRange1
                    End If
                        Set r3 = Range(r, r2)
                Else    'PivotTable Count = 1
                    Set r3 = .PivotTables(1).TableRange1
                    Set r3 = r3.Offset(2, 0).Resize(r.Rows.Count - 2)
                End If
        End With
            'Current settings range r3
                lRowsCurrent = r3.Rows.Count
                lColumnsCurrent = r3.Columns.Count
            'Find the intial width of Pivot Tables and seperator columns on the worksheet
                dWidthPivotTables = TotalWidth(ws)
            'If width less than MaxWidth, then add additional columns to print range until width = MaxWidth
                With r3
                    If dWidthPivotTables < dMaxWidth Then
                        If IsError(Int((dMaxWidth - dWidthPivotTables) / 255)) Or Int((dMaxWidth - dWidthPivotTables) / 255) = 0 Then
                            'Only one column is needed, the width is less than 255
                                lColumnsPartialNeeded = 1
                                dColWidthPartial = dMaxWidth - dWidthPivotTables
                                Set r3 = .Resize(lRowsCurrent, lColumnsCurrent + lColumnsPartialNeeded)
                                Debug.Print r3.Address
                                Debug.Print .Columns.Count
                                .Columns(.Columns.Count).ColumnWidth = dColWidthPartial
                                Debug.Print dColWidthPartial
                            'Multiple columns are needed
                                lColumnsWholeNeeded = Int((dMaxWidth - dWidthPivotTables) / 255)
                                lColumnsPartialNeeded = 1
                                Set r3 = .Resize(lRowsCurrent, lColumnsCurrent + lColumnsWholeNeeded + lColumnsPartialNeeded)
                            'New columns added (new count - original count)
                                lColTotalDifference = .Columns.Count - lColumnsCurrent
                        End If
                        'Of the new columns, all but the last are max width 255 char's
                            For i = .Columns.Count To (lColumnsCurrent + 1) Step -1
                                If i = .Columns.Count Then
                                    .Columns(i).ColumnWidth = dMaxWidth - (dWidthPivotTables + (255 * (lColTotalDifference - 1)))
                                    .Columns(i).ColumnWidth = 255
                                End If
                            Next i
                    End If
                End With
        'Set the print area
            With ws
                .PageSetup.PrintArea = r3.Address
                .DisplayPageBreaks = True
                .[D13] = " "
                .[D14] = " "
            End With
        'Tidy up
            'Destroy objects
                Set r = Nothing
                Set r2 = Nothing
                Set r3 = Nothing
    End Sub
    Kind regards,


  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Range Address Is Correct Columns Count Is Not Correct

    I'm not going to wade through all of that, but you set a reference to r3, and then resize r3. The reference, however, remains to the original range. For example,

        Dim r           As Range
        Set r = Range("A1:D1")
        With r
            Debug.Print .Address, .Columns.Count    ' as expected
            Set r = r.Resize(, 5)
            Debug.Print r.Address, r.Columns.Count  ' as expected
            Debug.Print .Address, .Columns.Count    ' maybe not as you expected
        End With
    Last edited by shg; 07-09-2013 at 12:55 PM.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Range Address Is Correct Columns Count Is Not Correct

    Thanks shg,

    You nailed it. I was not aware of that. I thought the resize would change the original "With r"


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