Hello there
I have written a basic open ended timer below that I connected to 4 buttons, a start and end plus the production and meeting. This can obviously be expanded to a bunch other states as well, as you require.
This creates a new record and you will have to use formula to calculate the elapsed time between different activities, making the assumption that while the clock is running, the last activity is continuing.

' global variables -----------
    Public timer As Date
    Public activity As Variant
' ----------------------------
Sub startClock()
    If timer = "0" Then
        timer = Now()
        activity = "start clock"
    Else: MsgBox ("timer already started")
    End If
End Sub

Sub production()
    activity = "production"
    timer = Now()
End Sub

Sub meeting()
    activity = "meeting"
    timer = Now()
End Sub

Sub stopclock()
    activity = "stopped"
    timer = Now()
End Sub

Sub write_record()
    ActiveCell.Value = timer
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = activity
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
End Sub