Hi, Roy,
no need to quote full posts if they are located directly above.
I downloaded both workbooks. As I understand it (please correct me here when Iīm wrong) you want to load the information from workbooks like Weekly Record 2013 Master Rev 1.xlsx into FSR Master.xlsx. You have inserted the cell addresses you want to copy and thatīs where I start having trouble: Column A for FSR states E12 while E12 in Weekly Record shows part of the job number. Iīm afraid I wonīt be of any help except here as the result wonīt tell me I have done everything correctly. So i think I show you how I would try to adjust the code from Jerry.
Origional part about copying is
Code is untested as I do have problems with adjusting to find what from where should be inserted:
And you would need to save the master workbook as a macro-enabled workbook with the suffix xlsm in order to hold the code (code should be inserted into a standard module).