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Macro to check the empty Cells in a row before closing the file

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    Cool Macro to check the empty Cells in a row before closing the file

    Hi everyone :-)

    I have a tricky question - do you know, if there is a possibility to have macro which will check my cells in one specific column before file is closed? Could anyone help me to update macro as follows:

    - to see in message box in which row is empty cell
    - to show message before file is closed when "Close File" button is pressed? So when I close the excel file message will pop up?

    My macro is:

    Sub IsCellBlank()
    If IsEmpty(Range("AD")) Then
    MsgBox "Empty cell in row 125. Please correct and chose the right root cause"
    End If
    End Sub

    Thank you lot

    Andy :-)
    Last edited by dobracik; 07-09-2013 at 03:04 PM.

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