I am working on an application capturing pricing schemes. The application works as follows
Cell G4 captures the customer ID
columns B, C, D, E and F (rows 7 to 21) contain drop down lists for various options.
Using the selections in these columns, the exact part number that meets the selection is identified in column N.
columns G to M are for capturing the pricing structure.
What I am trying to do is as follows
Once the part number is identified, if there is an existing pricing structure for the Customer ID and Part No combination in the master (stored in worksheet titled "CUST"), it should get populated in columns G to M. I cannot use formulas in columns G to M as the user has the option to make changes in the structure and can overwrite the value displayed in these columns. I have been trying to populate the pricing structure using VBA. My code is as follows:
The code should be triggered when column F gets filled with the selection and will look for a match for the customer ID (cell G4) and item code (column N). If a match is found, the pricing structure in the master should be populated into columns G to M. BTW, I am using a formula in column N to identify the item code that matches the selections in columns B to F.
I have been unsuccessful in getting this to work as desired. I have searched this and other forums for information that would help debug this code. But I have not found anything that is of use here.
Would some one be able to assist in getting this to work. Would really appreciate any help.