Hi all,
I'm trying to make a userform with 3 combo boxes (that part I can). I'm able to create the list from the combo box at run time. In the first combo box a person can make a choice from a list with various countries. On the second combo box, they can choose from "accepted", "rejected" and "partially rejected". It would be great if when a person chooses "rejected" that he/she has some choices, but they should not be the same as those from "partially rejected". So, when one person choose one from the list, they should see in the 3rd combo box only those that are applicable for the choice made.
I know that you can do it on the excel sheet with data validation, but no clue where to start in a userform.
I found this example: http://www.contextures.com/xlDataVal02.html
but that works only in excel sheet and is the same I'm looking to get into the userform.
Hope some one can help out.
Thanks in advance and greetings.