Hello everyone,
I have a Userform to display data/reocord from my Sheet 1 (name " Main") and Sheet 2 (name " Payment Records").
In the Userform there are 10 TextBoxes which show data from Sheet 1 and in the same userform there is also a list box which show data/record from Sheet 2.
In the user form I have two command buttons ( commandbutton 1 & commandbutton2)
In the userform if I press commandbutton1 it shows me records from my Sheet2 and If I press commandbutton 2 it shows me record from Sheet1.
Everything is working perfectly....It shows me every data from Sheet1 & Sheet2 which I need.
The problem is what I want is that there should be Only ONE command button on the userform to display record for both sheets.
I do not want 2 command buttons. I want when I press one commandbutton1 it should show me data from both sheet.
I do not want any other changes in displaying data....I just want One CommandButton.
Here are my two seperate codes for both sheets on a single UserForm.
I hope you guys will be understanding what I mean...
I will be very thankful..If any one could help me