I have two buttons that I click to populate cells. Button 1 is clicked at the start of a call and button 2 when my call ends.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
X = Sheets("calls").Cells(2, 3)
Sheets("calls").Cells(X, 1) = Now()
Sheets("calls").Cells(2, 3) = Sheets("calls").Cells(2, 3) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
X = Sheets("calls").Cells(2, 3) - 1
Sheets("calls").Cells(X, 2) = Now()
End Sub
My issue is that button 1 can be clicked as many times as you want and what I want to do is only allow button 1 to be clicked, once button 2 has been clicked. What can I add to make this work like a toggle switch? Like press button 1 and disable it until button 2 is pressed...