My macro is not working and im at a loss
I have 2 workbooks “FORM” and “EXPORT MASTER” and essentially FORM is for entering data and EXPORT MASTER is for collecting it
Unfortunately because all users need to print FORM and get a signature on it before sending it on to a different department to then bring the data back up using the unique reference number that’s created this is the only way it can be done and explaining the ins and outs of the 20 departments it affects would take me a long time so your gonna have to trust me theres no way around it.
When users have completed all information in FORM and start the macro then FORM is saved as a new filename which changes every time (and is taken from Cell AV36) using the below code……
Then EXPORT MASTER workbook is activated and a unique reference number created which is then copied…….
This is where my problem occurs…..
As I try to refer back to FORM under its new filename I do not know how to refer to it correctly so I can paste the unique number back
I have tried many different versions of
But none seem to work
After I have got back to it then the rest of the macro worsk fine…
I wish to add more but will not complicate the macro any further until ive fixed this part
Many thanks in advance for your help