Hello! I'm the manager for a coffee house and lounge and I'm trying to create a macro to help us keep track of inventory.
This is what the inventory spreadsheet looks like:
What I would like to happen is when the value under the Need column reads "x", I would like for the first cell in the row to be copied and pasted to another sheet, titled "Shopping List." Essentially, I just want a list created of the items that are marked as needed. I'm having trouble getting the loop to continue down the column and if the column value is "x", copy the first cell in the row. I've tried a multitude of things already, and this is all I can come up with thus far:
Sub InventoryCount()
Dim Name As String
Name = InputBox("Enter your name.")
Range("F1").Value = Name
Range("I1").Value = Date
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1).Copy
Sheets("Shopping List").Select
End Sub
I'm no expert, and any help would be appreciated!