HI I have a csv file which seems a little cracy, and i would like a way to be able to work with it.
I need to remove the spaces and and properly also the special caracters and replace them with a comma.
And then save the csv file again. I have tried to record find replace, but it put allot of commas inside, i only need one between.
I found below code, which maybe can be usefull. it remove all spaces, so i need that one to be maybe able to put a comma between.
Please have a look
Put a test sheet here and some lines of the csv file is in sheet 2
Sincerely Abjac
Here is the code which remove all spaces.
Sub TrimBText()
' This module will trim extra spaces from BOTH SIDES.
Dim MyCell As Range
On Error Resume Next
Selection.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23).Select
For Each MyCell In Selection.Cells
MyCell.Value = Trim(MyCell.Value)
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub