Interesting... Using Leith Ross' macro to clear Windows clipboard here, I now paste empty data...
Reference Post
Anyone have any ideas how to clear the clipboard?
Here's my logic so far:
Sub GetVersion()
Call ClearClipBoard
Shell ("C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k c:&&cd c:\&&plink" & " " & ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row + 7, ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Column).Value & " -l " & Range("A11") & " -pw " & Range("A13") & " " & """configshow -all | grep FOS""" & " | clip&&exit")
ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row + 11, ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Column).Activate
SendKeys "^(v)"
End Sub