Need help with applying this code to only unhidden rows in selection. Currently, the code gives results in hidden rows as well.
Also, Cells(i, 32) = "Analyst"
While the code returns the analyst name, I need help in including Today's date in the same cell.
Example: Analyst 19.6.2013 in the same format.
Please help!

Sub Highlight()

Dim MyRange As Range

Set MyRange = Selection

ThisRow = Selection.Row
LastRow = Selection.Rows.Count + ThisRow - 1

For i = ThisRow To LastRow

If Cells(i, 26) = "CHECK" Then

Cells(i, 30) = "Ok"
Cells(i, 31) = "Reviewed"
Cells(i, 32) = "Analyst Today's Date"

End If

Next i

End Sub