Hello, Hopefully someone can help with a simple solution.
I got the following coding from a fellow user on here with a previous question and I'm in a bind now. This following code looks for red cells in column A then copies From Column A and the remaining contents to the next sheet. I use the same code in a different part of my Macro except this time I need it to search Column C for the red cell. I need to know which part of the coding I need to change to make sure when it finds a red cell to copy the entire row and not just from the active Column. Because right now with the modified version it copies from Column C and so on. Thank You.

Original Coding:
Sub test()
Dim r As Range, ff As String, x As Range
With Application.FindFormat
.Interior.Color = vbRed
End With
With Sheets("sheet1").Columns(1)
Set r = .Find("*", searchformat:=True)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
ff = r.Address: Set x = r.Resize(, 9)
Set x = Union(x, r.Resize(, 9))
Set r = .Find("*", r, searchformat:=True)
Loop Until ff = r.Address
x.Copy Sheets("sheet2").Cells(1)
End If
End With
End Sub

Modified Coding to search Column C:
Sub CopyActualDupes()
Dim r As Range, ff As String, x As Range
With Application.FindFormat
.Interior.Color = vbRed
End With
With Sheets("sheet2").Columns(3)
Set r = .Find("*", searchformat:=True)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
ff = r.Address: Set x = r.Resize(, 9)
Set x = Union(x, r.Resize(, 9))
Set r = .Find("*", r, searchformat:=True)
Loop Until ff = r.Address
x.Copy Sheets("sheet3").Cells(1)
End If
End With
End Sub