Yes, arlu1201 "Name" is where the data is going.

Quote Originally Posted by JosephP View Post
Sub SummarySheetPasteTest()
Dim RunNo As String, strPath As String, SourceFile As String
Dim wsWafer As Worksheet, WaferLetter As String, increment As Integer

Dim wsSummary as worksheet 
Set wsSummary = thisworkbook.sheets("summary")

RunNo = Mid(ThisWorkbook.Name, 6, 6)
Name = ThisWorkbook.Name
increment = 0

For Each wsWafer In Sheets(Array("XRD-A", "XRD-B", "XRD-C", "XRD-D", "XRD-E", "XRD-F", "XRD-G", "XRD-H", "XRD-I", "XRD-J"))
        WaferLetter = Chr(65 + increment)
        WaferRow = 21 + increment
        strPath = "C:\X'Pert Data\Wafers\W" & RunNo & "\WaferXRDAnalysis" & RunNo
        SourceFile = strPath
        If SourceFile <> "" Then
                'On Error Resume Next
                With Workbooks.Open(Filename:=SourceFile)
                    .Sheets(WaferLetter & "-G").Range("R2").Copy Destination:=wsSummary.Range("X" & WaferRow)
                    .Sheets(WaferLetter & "-G").Range("R4").Copy Destination:=wsSummary.Range("AA" & WaferRow)
                    .Sheets(WaferLetter & "-N").Range("R2").Copy Destination:=wsSummary.Range("AF" & WaferRow)
                    .Sheets(WaferLetter & "-N").Range("R4").Copy Destination:=wsSummary.Range("AH" & WaferRow)
                End With
                SourceFile = "StopThisLoop"
            Loop While SourceFile <> "StopThisLoop"
        End If
        increment = increment + 1
        'MsgBox "WaferLetter is " & WaferLetter
    Next wsWafer
End Sub
Thanks JosephP, that worked!
It copied the format of the cells in the source workbook though (green cell) is there a way to do paste special > values within the .copy destination:= part?