In my application, I read the contents of a cell which contains the full name. I need to split the full name into the three components - Surname, First Name and the Middle Name.
In my code I read the full name and pass this to another subroutine to split the full name into Surname, First Name and Middle Name. This portion seems to work fine. Where I am having a problem is getting back the Surname, First Name and Middle Name after the split. This comes back empty. The code is posted below. Would be really grateful if some one can point out the mistake I have made and give me correct code.
Private Sub StoreName
Dim iRcptRow As Integer, wsRcpt As Worksheet
Set wsRcpt = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("RCPT")
iRcptRow = xlLastRow("RCPT") + 1
SplitMemName Me.FeeLblDes2.Caption
wsRcpt.Range("D" & iRcptRow).Value = sMemSurN
wsRcpt.Range("E" & iRcptRow).Value = sMemFirN
wsRcpt.Range("F" & iRcptRow).Value = sMemMidN
End Sub
Private Sub SplitMemName(sMemName As String)
' This routine splits the full name into the Surname
' Middle name and First name using <space> as the split criterion
Dim NameSplit As Variant
avarSplit = Split(sMemName, " ")
If NameSplit(0) = "" Then
sMemSurN = ""
sMemSurN = NameSplit(0)
End If
If NameSplit(1) = "" Then
sMemFirN = ""
sMemFirN = NameSplit(1)
End If
If NameSplit(2) = "" Then
smemsmidn = ""
sMemMidN = NameSplit(2)
End If
End Sub
xlLastRow is a function written to get the first blank row in the worksheet. There is no problem with this routine.
Thanks a ton in advance