here i am, still trying to understand crap, with a version of my tracker improved upon by a coworker(edwin deserves most of the credit for this) and FDibbins had more than a little bit to do with it as well. im trying to create userforms for this same tracker. here i am stuck. it wont insert data in rows that have formulas. say i have formulas in 100 rows to take input data and output other esential data, my forms input in row 101+. im pissed and lack the intelligence to take what i gain from internet searches to create VBA code that will exclude these data-containing columns when inserting data of my own. I will upload a basic file. The yellow columns contain formulas that are critical to the other functions of this workbook which i dont want to effect at this time. ignore body fat and beyond. ill cros that bridge when i come to tracker with forms(0.1).xlsmpt tracker with forms(0.1).xlsm