Hello All,
I'm looking for method how to copy the value from the cell then open another wb, seraching same data and enter the missing value after Double_Click. Please look at the sample in attached.
Pls also see code in below for your reference and you may help me with a good code:
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("H13:H1000,J13:J1000,P13:P1000")) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
If Target.Column = 8 Then
Dim wbMstr As Workbook
Dim wbThis As Workbook
Dim wbThis As Workbook
Set wbThis = ActiveWorkbook
Set wbMstr = Workbooks.Open("C:\MyDoc" & "\wbMstr" & ".xlsm")
Set wbData = Workbooks.Open("C:\MyDoc" & "\wbMstr" & ".xls")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With ActiveCell '''How to tranfer value to wbMstr
Cells(.Row, "K").Resize(1, 1).Value => how to searching same data in wbMstrand enter into wbMstr.Cells(.Row, "L").Resize(1, 1).Value
End With
With ActiveCell '''Copy entire row to wbData
Cells(.Row, "A").Resize(1, 1).Copy _
wbData.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End With
With ActiveCell '''Delete entire Row
Cells(.Row, "A").Resize(1, 1).EntireRows.Delete.ShiftUp '''<===How to delete entire Row after I transfer value to wbData???
End With
End With