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Looking for some help on hiding columns based on checkbox selection

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  1. #1
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    Looking for some help on hiding columns based on checkbox selection

    Hi there.

    I have a row with headers (Row 2) and each header is 3 columns in length with information about the header we can call "cities" for now. I have a userform where a user selects which cities he/she wants to view the data for. What i would like is to be able to hide all other cities that the user did not check. I currently have code that does what i need it to however, it is very slow in calculating and takes 10 seconds to load. Looking to hopefully find an alternative to shorten that calculation time.

    Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    Dim icell As Range, siterng As Range, rng1 as Range
    Range("SiteList").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
          Set rng1 = Union(Range("I:I"), Range("L:L"), Range("O:O"), Range("R:R"), Range("U:U"), Range("X:X"), Range("AA:AA"), Range("AD:AD"), Range("AG:AG"), Range("AJ:AJ"))
            For Each icell In rng1
            Select Case icell.Column
                Case Is = 9
                    If CheckBox33.Value = True Then
                    Set siterng = Range(icell, icell.Offset(0, -2))
                    siterng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    End If
                Case Is = 12
                    If CheckBox32.Value = True Then
                    Set siterng = Range(icell, icell.Offset(0, -2))
                    siterng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    End If
                Case Is = 15
                 If CheckBox31.Value = True Then
                    Set siterng = Range(icell, icell.Offset(0, -2))
                    siterng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    End If
                Case Is = 18
                 If CheckBox30.Value = True Then
                    Set siterng = Range(icell, icell.Offset(0, -2))
                    siterng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    End If
                Case Is = 21
                 If CheckBox29.Value = True Then
                    Set siterng = Range(icell, icell.Offset(0, -2))
                    siterng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    End If
                Case Is = 24
                 If CheckBox28.Value = True Then
                    Set siterng = Range(icell, icell.Offset(0, -2))
                    siterng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    End If
                Case Is = 27
                 If CheckBox37.Value = True Then
                    Set siterng = Range(icell, icell.Offset(0, -2))
                    siterng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    End If
                Case Is = 30
                 If CheckBox36.Value = True Then
                    Set siterng = Range(icell, icell.Offset(0, -2))
                    siterng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    End If
                Case Is = 33
                 If CheckBox35.Value = True Then
                    Set siterng = Range(icell, icell.Offset(0, -2))
                    siterng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    End If
                Case Is = 36
                    If CheckBox34.Value = True Then
                    Set siterng = Range(icell, icell.Offset(0, -2))
                    siterng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    End If
            End Select
        Next icell
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Any help is appreciated

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Looking for some help on hiding columns based on checkbox selection

    Any chance you could post some sample of your workbook? It would make it significantly easier to assist

  3. #3
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    Re: Looking for some help on hiding columns based on checkbox selection

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBas View Post
    Any chance you could post some sample of your workbook? It would make it significantly easier to assist
    I ended up just figuring it out now as i was making a test book to post here. I do need some help on a similar idea though

    Along with what i am trying to do here, i also have 3 checkboxes labeled "Complete", "In Process" and "Planned". Each one of these "cities" will have a heading underneath it in the same columns i have in the Union listed above (I, L, O, R, etc). I need a piece of code that can look through all the categories in Column A and filter what the status is on each city. So if i choose Buffalo and NYC in the userform and then select "Complete" in the userform, it should only show categories that are Complete in both those cities while hiding every other city and category.

    attached example workbook.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Looking for some help on hiding columns based on checkbox selection

    To the best of my knowledge, your second request would not work. You can't filter individual ranges separately. So for example, if you are filtering by COMPLETE tasks, and New York has row 4 INCOMPLETE (which will hide it), but Buffalo shows Row 4 as Complete, there will be conflict. It gets tricky when trying to apply separate filters to separate ranges.

    Also, if you are interested, I think you can tidy up your code by quite a bit if you use a listbox vs. multiple checkboxes. I've attached an example of what I mean. Click on Button 6 to show the form, and take a look at the code. The benefits, (1) much easier to follow/read code, (2) scalability; you can add additional cities, and as long as they follow the logic being used (3 columns per city), they will autopopulate into the form and follow the rules of the code, with needing to add a new checkbox and code for it.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Looking for some help on hiding columns based on checkbox selection

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBas View Post
    To the best of my knowledge, your second request would not work. You can't filter individual ranges separately. So for example, if you are filtering by COMPLETE tasks, and New York has row 4 INCOMPLETE (which will hide it), but Buffalo shows Row 4 as Complete, there will be conflict. It gets tricky when trying to apply separate filters to separate ranges.

    Also, if you are interested, I think you can tidy up your code by quite a bit if you use a listbox vs. multiple checkboxes. I've attached an example of what I mean. Click on Button 6 to show the form, and take a look at the code. The benefits, (1) much easier to follow/read code, (2) scalability; you can add additional cities, and as long as they follow the logic being used (3 columns per city), they will autopopulate into the form and follow the rules of the code, with needing to add a new checkbox and code for it.
    I'll definitely take a look at this when i get home.

    Another though - The first cell for each city is going to be an "Applicable to site?" Y/N answer. Just like with the last cell (In Process, Complete and Planned). Would there be an easy way to add in some code to do the following?

    1. Search for a category
    2. Select a Y or N checkbox to see the cities that are applicable to that category. All it would be doing is sorting the category (which i have the code for below, and hiding the cities that have a N in the first box. (The form auto fills Y or N in when i input a category)

    Code for Category sorting:
    sub button_click()
    Dim celretro As Range, rng As Range
     Range("A:A").EntireRow.Hidden = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set rng = Range("A4", Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
        For Each celretro In rng
            If Not celretro.Value = ComboBox3.Value Then
            celretro.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            End If
        Next celretro
         If ComboBox3.Value = "" Then
         Range("A:A").EntireRow.Hidden = False
         End If
    end sub

  6. #6
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    Re: Looking for some help on hiding columns based on checkbox selection

    Thanks Bigbas for that piece of code - worked great.

    Now regarding the sorting i am trying to accomplish with the Yes/No, I would like to be able to choose a category from the list, click a "Yes" checkbox and have only the cities that have a Y in the applicable to city column for that specific category. Here is the code i am trying to work with now as well as the workbook.

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim celretro As Range, rng As Range
    Dim fnd As Range
    Dim ynrng As Range
    Dim hcell As Range
    Dim ynHide As Range
        Range("A:A").EntireRow.Hidden = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set rng = Range("A4", Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
       For Each celretro In rng
            If Not celretro.Value = ComboBox3.Value Then
            celretro.EntireRow.Hidden = True
                If CheckBox38.Value = False And CheckBox39.Value = False Then GoTo Checksites
            ElseIf celretro.Value = ComboBox3.Value Then
             Set ynrng = Union(Range("VegasYN"), Range("BuffaloYN"), Range("WashingtonYN"), Range("BostonYN"), Range("NYCYN"), Range("DetroitYN"))
            If CheckBox38.Value = False And CheckBox39.Value = False Then GoTo Checksites
            'Select case
            For Each hcell In ynrng
                Application.Goto Cells(celretro.Row, ynrng.Column)
                If CheckBox1.Value = True And Activecell.Value = "No" Then
                    Set ynHide = Range(Activecell, Activecell.Offset(0, 2))
                    ynHide.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
                ElseIf CheckBox1.Value = True And Activecell.Value = "Yes" Then
                    Set ynHide = Range(Activecell, Activecell.Offset(0, 2))
                    ynHide.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                End If
             Next hcell
            End If
        Next celretro
         If ComboBox1.Value = "" Then
         Range("A:A").EntireRow.Hidden = False
         End If
        Set rng = Intersect(Rows(1), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
        rng.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
            If Me.ListBox1.Selected(i) = False Then
                Set fnd = rng.Find(Me.ListBox1.List(i))
                fnd.Resize(, 3).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
                Set fnd = Nothing
            End If
        Next i
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        Dim rng As Range
        Dim cel As Range
        Me.ComboBox1.RowSource = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B14").Validation.Formula1
        Me.ComboBox1.Value = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B14")
        Set rng = Intersect(Rows(1), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
        For Each cel In rng
            If cel.Value <> "" Then
                Me.ListBox1.AddItem cel
            End If
        Next cel
    End Sub
    The code to me makes sense but obivously i am missing something. Any help is appreciated. Use Button 6 in workbook.

    /e Just realized i can't check to see if a cell value has the same value as a checkbox...
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    Last edited by Spritz; 06-05-2013 at 11:50 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: Looking for some help on hiding columns based on checkbox selection

    Per the PM request
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  8. #8
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    Re: Looking for some help on hiding columns based on checkbox selection

    Works great!

    Thanks again!

  9. #9
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Looking for some help on hiding columns based on checkbox selection

    No problem!

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