So I am currently working on a Userform that has two list boxes with the row source set to a list of values with TODAY Function. When I enter in the information it will put in the first date in just fine but will clear the cell where the second date is suppose to go. I know it has to do something with the Today function because if i just use a list of just dates it works fine. Is there something else I need to do? Here is the code so far.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Execution")

NextRow = ws.Range("B10000").End(xlUp).Row + 1
    ws.Cells(NextRow, 2).Value = Datereceived.Value
    ws.Cells(NextRow, 3).Value = From.Text
    ws.Cells(NextRow, 4).Value = Jobcontent.Text
    ws.Cells(NextRow, 5).Value = Deadline.Value
End Sub
and here is where I set the row source
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Datereceived.RowSource = "Datelist"
Deadline.RowSource = "Deadline"
From.RowSource = "Person"
End Sub
The list is just TODAY(), TODAY()+1, etc 30 days worth

If there is a better way of doing this I would really appreciate the help