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Text box validation problems

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  1. #7
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    Thumbs up Re: Text box validation problems

    Hi John,

    I went old school and drew a flow chart of how I think your textbox validation function works, like I was taught when I was a wee young boy (see attached pdf and see if you agree). From further reading it appears functions don't always have to return values. I'm ashamed to say that I never considered using the AfterUpdate event . I used Exit events but had problems. This is the best solution I've come across for textbox validation. I never thought of Mid/InStr/While combination. This will help me with my hydrology project at work.


    Private Sub TextBox_r_AfterUpdate()
        Dim txtValue As Variant
        If Val(Me.TextBox_r.Value) < 0 Or Val(Me.TextBox_r.Value) > 1 Then
            MsgBox Me.TextBox_r.Name & " Value must be > 0 and less < 1"
            Me.TextBox_r.Value = ""
            Exit Sub
        End If
        txtValue = Me.TextBox_r.Value
        Call NumberVal(txtValue)
        If Numeric = False Then
            Me.TextBox_r.Value = ""
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End Sub
    Public txtValue As Variant
    Public Numeric As Boolean
    Option Explicit
    Function NumberVal(txtValue) As Boolean
        Dim LPos As Integer
        Dim LChar As String
        Dim LValid_Values As String
        LPos = 1
        LValid_Values = " .0123456789"
        While LPos <= Len(txtValue)
            LChar = Mid(txtValue, LPos, 1)
            If InStr(LValid_Values, LChar) = 0 Then
                Numeric = False
                Exit Function
            End If
            LPos = LPos + 1
        Numeric = True
    End Function
    Attached Files Attached Files

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