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Text box validation problems

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    Text box validation problems

    I need to make sure textbox entries follow certain rules so that values passed to a modules doesn't crash while calculating. Textbox entries must be positive numbers and must not conatain any alpha characters or invalid characters such as blanks, symbols, etc. When tabbing to the next textbox, the textbox needs to be tested and if invalid entries are found then focus needs to be put back on that textbox until a valid number is entered. Not all of the message box calls are in their final form. I've been having problems getting some of the message boxes to close and return to the textboxes for new entries. (See below, attached .xlsm file might make more sense; 1st tab explains validation rules)


    Private Sub TextBox_a_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

    ' Validate textbox on exit by checking for text entry, blanks, negative numbers, and zero
    Dim avalue As Double
    Dim ContainsInvalidCharacter As Boolean
    Dim Counter As Integer
    Dim Mbxret As Integer
    Dim StrPrompt1 As String
    Dim StrPrompt2 As String
    Dim StrPrompt3 As String

    Dim StrTitle As String

    StrPrompt1 = "Sorry, only non-negative numbers allowed."
    StrPrompt2 = "Sorry, must have a value" & vbCrLf & "Only non-zero and non-negative numbers allowed."
    StrPrompt3 = "Sorry, invalid character entered"
    StrTitle = "Constant a"

    With Me.ActiveControl

    Do While (Not IsNumeric(TextBox_a.Value))

    Select Case (Not IsNumeric(Me.ActiveControl))

    Case (Not IsNumeric(Me.ActiveControl))
    Mbxret = MsgBox(StrPrompt1, vbOKOnly, StrTitle)
    If Mbxret = vbOK Then Cancel = True
    Exit Do
    Case vbNullString
    Mbxret = MsgBox(StrPrompt2, vbOKOnly, StrTitle)
    If Mbxret = vbOK Then Cancel = True

    End Select


    'ContainsInvalidCharacter = True

    If Me.TextBox_a.Value <> vbNullString Then
    ContainsInvalidCharacter = True
    'Iterate through each character and determine if its a number,
    'letter, or non-number of string.
    For Counter = 1 To Len(TextBox_a.Value)

    Select Case Asc(Mid(TextBox_a.Value, Counter, 1))
    Case 45 To 46
    ContainsInvalidCharacter = False

    Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122
    ContainsInvalidCharacter = False

    Case Else

    ContainsInvalidCharacter = True
    'TextBox_a.Value = vbNullString
    'SendKeys "+{TAB}" ' This goes back to TextBox
    Exit For

    End Select


    'If ContainsInvalidCharacter Then
    'Contains a non alpha or numeric character
    Mbxret = MsgBox(StrPrompt3, vbOKOnly, StrTitle)
    If Mbxret = vbOK Then Cancel = True
    Exit Do
    Loop Until ContainsInvalidCharacter = False

    'Else no invalid characters found


    avalue = CDbl(Val(Me.TextBox_a.Value))
    Select Case avalue
    Case Is < 0
    MsgBox "Sorry, only non-negative numbers allowed.", vbOKOnly, "Constant a"
    SendKeys "+{TAB}" ' This goes back to TextBox

    Case Is = 0
    MsgBox "Constant a is non-zero and positive", vbOKOnly, "Constant a"
    SendKeys "+{TAB}" ' This goes back to TextBox

    End Select
    End If
    ' MsgBox "Sorry, must have a value" & vbCrLf & "Only non-zero and non-negative numbers allowed.", vbOKOnly, "Constant a"

    'End If

    'SendKeys "+{TAB}" ' This goes back to TextBox
    End With
    End Sub
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