Dear Excel Pros,

I am stuck. I can't find out how to have a validation list (drop-down) from a single-cell in which values are separated by a comma.
Let me give you the example I have.

I have a wine list which have many categories of which

Wine Name / Wine Producer / Vintage

I wrote a VBA code to look-up duplicates names and give the producers that make them. The names of the producers will be in an invis cell as Comma Separated Values.

For example: Wine 11 is made by producer X and Wine 11 is made by producer Y. I will have X,Y in a cell which need to be in a drop-down menu when Wine 11 is selected.

I got everything done. The only issue is to get the list. The problem is that the drop-down list shows X,Y as a single component and not as 2 drop-down components. If i were to write down X,Y in the validation list tab, it will show it as 2 components but referring to the cell doesn't. Is there ANY WAY to solve this issue?

I would love many suggestions if possible so I can pick the most efficient one.

Thank you.

NOTE: I have excel 2011 so I can't use activeX.