I have a spreadsheet which has several thousand rows. I need to be able to split it into either, individual tabs within the same workbook or into individual workbooks, based on the change in a specified column, which can ideally be specified by the user using a text entry dialogue (although that last bit would be the icing on the cake).
I've attached a simplified sample.
On the 'All' tab, every time there is a change in Column B, I need to 'copy' all the rows until the next change in Column B, and put them either in a new sheet in the same workbook or into seperate individual workbooks. I would need each new tab of the workbook to include the same header row (or rows) and for the same formating (column widths, colour etc) to be maintained.
I've put the expected results in Sheets 2 through 9, to show what I'm trying to achieve.
Is this possible to do?
Many thanks