Hi Marcol.
I am not sure how to use this, but let me try to explain what i use the Excel for.
I use the excel to keep track of what is going in and what is going out form each customer.
Each customer can have several item number. Each item number owns 3 rows (IN, OUT, SALDO) = 1 Row Set.
In the first row of a set, the Cust. no (Customer Number) Cust Name (Customer Name) is entered.
As each customer can add new items to the list, i will add a new row set ( = 3 Row), after the last used row set, and enter the data accordingly to the custmer and iteme number.
For the overview purpos, I then need to be able to sore the row set, so all row set for custmer "A" is listend under eachother, and the customer "B" and so on.
I hope it makes sence?