
Without attaching any files I think the best I can do is what I started in the original post. Here will be the details:

File 1 to Open/Copy - Filename: "January.CSV", Worksheet: "JanuaryWkst", Range: A1-bottom. Paste to: Active Workbook, Worksheet: "JanuaryData"

File 2 to Open/Copy - Filename: "February.XLS", Worksheet: "FebInfo", Range: A2-bottom. Paste to: Active Workbook, Worksheet: "F2013"

File 2 to Open/Copy - Filename: "Mar.CSV", Worksheet: "March1", Range: A1-bottom. Paste to: Active Workbook, Worksheet: "MarchNumbers"

As you can see in the 3 examples above, there isn't a standard filename, file type, worksheet name, or range for the files to copy. The only thing they have in common is that they are all held in the same folder. With the active workbook, none of the tabs are "linked" to the files I will be copying the information from. The only way I can "link" them is to manually work through the macro and tell it which file goes to which worksheet. (I know this isn't the best way to do it, but the workbook is already put together and cannot be changed.)
