
Thank you for the response but I'm not sure this is what I'm looking for. First, not all the files are in CSV format. Some are XLS (as shown in the February part of my example). Second, the worksheets are already created in my current workbook and their naming convention is not tied to the naming convention of the files the macro will be opening. Lastly, the range in which I will be pasting the information varies from file to file. Sometimes I will be pasting the info to A1, sometimes to A2, etc.

I think I just need some code that I can copy and paste for each document I have to open. Then I can customize each section to the appropriate details. I don't think there is really a way to just do a loop and standardize everything due to the fact that they all have separate circumstances. The only thing that stays the same is the number of files that need to be opened and they will always have the same name from month to month.
Thanks again!