I am a newbie here who is kinda helpless. Been working on this table for 10 days now and I couldnt find a work around the data i need to get.
i have a message input box where users will provide their names, and perhaps addional information, then once information is in, id like the worksheet to return the rows/lines filtered based on the inputs of the users.
so far, i have only arrived to this first code and i dont know who to get to the next level. your help will be very much appreciated. thanks in advance.
Sub GetUserName()
Dim strName As String
strName = InputBox(Prompt:="You name please.", _
Title:="ENTER YOUR NAME", Default:="Your Name here")
If strName = "Your Name here" Or _
strName = vbNullString Then
Exit Sub
Select Case strName
Case "Damon"
'Do Damons stuff
Case "Vince"
'Do Vinces stuff
Case "Singh"
'Do Singhs stuff
Case Else
'Do other stuff
End Select
End If
End Sub