should be simple enough, depends a bit on what the data in your column looks like but to create a folder:
sub create_folders()
dim fs
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
end sub
to loop through the range A and depending where you want them saving:
sub create_folders()
dim fs, f_path, count
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
f_path = "C:\createfolders"
for count = 3 to 553
fs.createfolder(f_path & "\" & Range("A" & count)
end sub
to add hyperlinks:
sub create_folders()
dim fs, f_path, count
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
f_path = "C:\createfolders"
for count = 3 to 553
fs.createfolder(f_path & "\" & Range("A" & count)
activesheet.hyperlinks.add anchor:=Range("B" & count), Address:= _
fpath & "\" & Range("A" & count), _
end sub
It won't let you create a folder that already exists so future proofing you can just tell it to ignore errors I think:
sub create_folders()
dim fs, f_path, count
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
f_path = "C:\createfolders"
for count = 3 to 553
on error resume next
fs.createfolder(f_path & "\" & Range("A" & count)
on error goto 0
activesheet.hyperlinks.add anchor:=Range("B" & count), Address:= _
fpath & "\" & Range("A" & count), _
end sub