I have several columns of data that could contain similar data for rows in sheet 1 (main database - data remains static) and sheet 2 (query database - data will change) and I need to find a way so that i can search the data on sheet 2 and compare it to sheet 1 and pull back informationfrom sheet 1 related to the common data.

For Example

Sheet 1 - main database looks like this
2---01234567892------0123-----01234-------3123--------021------12346------ALPHA PLUS
3---11133344456------3456-----56789-------6456--------143------78935------OMEGA GOLD
4---11133344457------3456-----56789-------6457--------143------78935------OMEGA SILVER
5---11133344458------3456-----56789-------6458--------143------78935------OMEGA BRONZE
7---01234523519------A234-----12457-------8789--------001------76564------ZETA ONE
8---01234523520------A234-----12458-------8789--------001------76563------ZETA TWO
9---01234523521------A234-----12458-------8789--------021------76563------ZETA BLUE

Sheet 2 - query database


So this is where it gets complicated - sometimes Sheet 2 (query database) will only have 1 or 2 of the multiple data parameters present, So in the case where only 1 or 2 of the data parameters is present then the intention is to pull back information from Sheet 1(main database) where all records contain just the 1 or 2 data parameters

So the results should appear in a seperate sheet so that it should look like this when it searches sheet 1 for the parameters in sheet 2

Sheet 3 - Matching Results

2---01234567892------0123-----01234-------3123--------021------12346------ALPHA PLUS
3---11133344456------3456-----56789-------6456--------143------78935------OMEGA GOLD
4---11133344457------3456-----56789-------6457--------143------78935------OMEGA SILVER
5---11133344458------3456-----56789-------6458--------143------78935------OMEGA BRONZE
7---01234523519------A234-----12457-------8789--------001------76564------ZETA ONE
8---01234523520------A234-----12458-------8789--------001------76563------ZETA TWO
9---01234523521------A234-----12458-------8789--------021------76563------ZETA BLUE

This might be not a good example but basically if Sheet 2 multiple parameters it should search for a matching combination of records from sheet 1 and pull back the information tied the matching record.

For example if Sheet 2 just had cell B2 = 0123 and cell F = 12345 then all the information from cells A1 through G1 should be displayed.
So either only 1 parameter to match could be provided or any combination of up to 10 parameters could be given to match up to a unique set of information

I am not sure if this would be best accomplished through excel or with access database
Another thing is that the data will be consistently in the same order meaning information from column A from sheet 1/database1 should be matched with column A from sheet2/database2

Please let me know if you need more information