
I have tried many formulas and none seem to work....do what I want.

What I am trying to do is use my patient's list with personal info transferred onto a new sheet but using only specific cells.

Sheet1 will have a list of patient names with their hospital number, address, telephone, medical issue(s), surgery, products needed, etc. BUT, I want to create a medical form for each but individually.

Sheet1 data is entered in by a nurse. I want her to be able to select which patient will need which form and then be able to fill in the blanks.

Being in a hospital, we are short-staffed (like pretty much everywhere) and I want to create this for her to avoid her taking 20 minutes per patient. By having a list, a part-time secretary can then fill in the blanks and save in the correct folder (each patient has their own electronic folder).

On each form (there are 3), I need the name, hospital number, address and phone number. Each form will be for different institutions (government help, certificate of eligibility and product company supply). However, on Sheet1, there is more information for statistical purposes (in all, is about 10 columns).

Can this easily be done or am I dreaming big?
