I am having trouble creating the following macros and any and all help would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to reference column "F" after some cell manipulation to see if each row in column "M" exists.
This is what I am doing:
Create my array from row "F" from my row specified to the law row specified. Manipulating each variant in the array to contain the 2nd character until the 10th character (length of 8).
Determine the range of row "M". In a FOR loop for the entirety of the range "M", store a String variable with the same length as my reference variable and check if the variable exists in the "F" array. If it does, move on. If it does not, change the row column to red and move on.
Here is my code:
Dim UserReports As Variant
Dim Report As String
Dim Length As Integer
startrow = 4
lastrow = Range("F65536").End(xlUp).Row
Length = lastrow - startrow
UserReports = Range("F" & startrow, "F" & lastrow)
For i = 1 To (lastrow - startrow)
UserReports(i, 1) = Mid(UserReports(i, 1), 2, 8)
Next i
Estartrow = 2
Elastrow = Range("M65536").End(xlUp).Row
x = Estartrow
For x = Estartrow To (Elastrow)
Report = Mid(Range("M" & x).Value, 5, 8).Value
Z = Filter(UserReports, Report)
'If Z >= 0 Then
'Rng = "A" & x & ":" & "N" & x
'End If
Next x
Thank you!!!!