If (workbook) Tourofdutyrecord (referance sheet) sheet2 $C4 $E84 (criteria) any one of the following “7, 7C, 7CMTG, 7MTG, 6, 6C, 6CMTG, 6MTG” if criteria met then get name after (comma and space) from column B (in row meeting criteria) and place in (TAB/SHEET) whosmynursedays A7. Continue filling whosmynurse row A7 until full H7 or no more names meeting criteria from sheet2 $C4$E84.
Need the same for (TAB/SHEET) whossmynurseevening but with criteria “3, 3C, 3CMTG, 3MTG, NOON” from same array $C4 $E84.
If anyone willing to work this, would it be possible to explain code so I can learn, if not OK just would like it completed. Can send anything you need to help clarify.
I have posted this on Mr. Excell as well and have not had a response. http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-q...int-macro.html
Thank you for looking.
I will attach the original file also. This will allow you to see what I need.
As an added bonus I would like to print the sheets using the macro that is already included with sheet2. If(possible to add to) or a new macro for sheet (whosmynursedays and evenings) whatever is easiest.